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Sep 13

The Power of Diversity

13 September, 2023 @ 13:00 - 14:00

A recent report from Tech Talent Charter (TTC) estimated the digital skills gap costs the UK as much as £63b per annum. TTC has increasing membership and growth which is encouraging but questions the capacity of businesses to balance operational pressures for results with an enduring commitment to D&I programmes

Organisations are positively evolving their D&I programmes from the drive to hire more women in to consider the wider holistic considerations of attracting, supporting and retaining women talent.

Balancing the pressure for results and D&I objectives means it becomes key to make D&I a core part of their business strategy, aligning D&I goals with the business’s strategic priorities, and measuring their progress on D&I. By doing so, companies can ensure that D&I efforts are integrated into the overall business strategy and are not seen as separate initiatives that can be deprioritized when pressure for results increases. Integration is key, and in 2023 D&I has itself evolved from a buzzword to become a greater and more tangible business necessity.

During this virtual event which will be bought to you from DSEI, we will pose three key questions to our panellists;

1. When we consider programmes of empowering women do we signal it is only for women to change?

2. How do we drive and maintain the momentum in empowering women in defence to bring about a sustainable and embedded supportive culture?

3. How can organisations seek to ensure that focused programmes such as empowering women do not risk the disengagement of men and avoid the misconception that it is a disempowering men programme?

For this event, our panel members are:

Debbie Forster MBE, CEO, Tech Talent Charter (Facilitator)

Heather Sharp, FWC CEO/Founder, Forces Wives Challenge

Jaynie Davies, Director Commodity Support Services, Leidos

Libby Vallance-Bull, AI & Technical Strategy Advisory, Women Empowering Defence & British Army

Jacqueline Pickard de Hagerty, Women Empowering Defence & CGI

Get a ticket here https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-power-of-diversity-tickets-700776199477?aff=ebdssbdestsearch


13 September, 2023
13:00 - 14:00
Event Category: