We Celebrate

“I do not wish women to have power over men; but over themselves.”
– Mary Wollstonecraft

Celebrating and recognise

At Women Empowering Defence, we believe in the power of boldness. We celebrate those who dare to challenge the status quo, those who break barriers, and those who lead the way in the Defence and Security Sector. This page is dedicated to sharing their stories and achievements, to inspire and empower others to be bold in their own right.

Share Your Story

We invite you to tell us about the bold, influential and innovative. If you or someone you know has made a bold move, broken barriers, or made a significant impact in the Defence and Security Sector, we want to hear about it. Share your story or nominate a bold individual. Let’s celebrate their courage, their achievements, and their contribution to our sector. Together, we can inspire more boldness in our community. Submit your bold story today.