Blogs, Videos & Podcast


Explore our blog posts for in-depth insights into the sector, personal stories, and thought-provoking discussions. Our blogs aim to inform, inspire, and spark conversation among our community.


Dive into our video content, where we feature interviews with inspiring women across the Defence and Security Sector. Discover their stories, learn from their experiences, and get inspired by their journeys.


Tune into our podcasts for engaging discussions with industry leaders, innovators, and changemakers. Listen in as we delve into opportunities, challenges, and the future of the Defence and Security Sector.


Be a Boundary Boss: Learn to Say No Gracefully

Leadership Reimagined: Unveiling Toxicity, Charting a Course for Change

Unveiling the Path to Success: Optimising Nutrition for Optimal Performance

Navigating the Challenges of Toxic Leadership

At VIVO Defence Services, we provide Hard Facilities Management (FM) for the UK military and its partners.

The Genesis of WED: A Journey of Empowerment and Unity

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2024: A Unified Call to #InspireInclusion

Becca Meadows – What Every Female Leader Needs To Know About Nutrition

Strengthening forces together: boxxe‘s vision with Women Empowering Defence

