WED Joins the Tech Talent Charter: Committing to Diversity and Inclusion in Tech

We are thrilled to announce that Women Empowering Defence has officially become a signatory of the Tech Talent Charter (TTC). This marks a significant step in our ongoing commitment to driving diversity and inclusion within the tech sector.

What is the Tech Talent Charter?

The Tech Talent Charter is a non-profit organisation leading a movement to address inequality in the UK tech sector and drive inclusion and diversity in a practical and uniquely measurable way. The charter is supported by the UK government and is part of the Digital Strategy policy to ensure the UK digital economy is strong, inclusive, and representative of the population. Learn more about the Tech Talent Charter.

Why This Matters to WED

At WED, we understand that diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords; they are essential components of a thriving, innovative, and inclusive tech industry. By signing the TTC, we join a growing number of organisations committed to improving the diversity of their tech workforce. It’s not just about making a statement; it’s about taking actionable steps towards creating a more inclusive tech environment.

Our Commitment

As a signatory of the TTC, WED pledges to:

  • Promote inclusion across all levels of our tech workforce.
  • Share best practices and contribute to the TTC’s Open Playbook.
  • Participate in events and forums to collaborate and learn from other signatories.
  • Utilise resources like the Diversity in Tech report for benchmarking and improvement.

Internal Promotion and Engagement

We are taking steps to ensure that our commitment to the TTC is more than just a signature. We plan to:

  • Publish a blog on our website and LinkedIn about our TTC membership and its importance to our business strategy.
  • Incorporate the TTC logo in our recruitment, onboarding resources, and company email signatures.
  • Create an internal guide for employees outlining our steps towards greater diversity and inclusion in tech roles.
  • Encourage our teams to engage with TTC resources and events.

Looking Ahead

Joining the Tech Talent Charter is just the beginning. We are excited to learn from other companies, engage in meaningful dialogues, and implement strategies that drive real change. We believe that together, we can create a tech industry that is as diverse and vibrant as the world around us.

Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this journey with the Tech Talent Charter.

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