Meet Victoria Christodoulides – Advisory Board

We are incredibly excited to introduce you to Victoria Christodoulides, a distinguished member of our Advisory Board at Women Empowering Defence (WED). With an academic background in education and psychology, Victoria brings a unique blend of expertise to our team. She is currently a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Bath, focusing on the intersection of childhood trauma and education. Her work has been featured in various exhibitions and she is an active member of the British Educational Research Association. Victoria’s commitment to creating equitable and inclusive environments makes her an invaluable asset to our community. Let’s get to know her better through a Q&A session.

Comment from the Founders:

“We are absolutely thrilled to have Victoria on our Advisory Board. Her depth of knowledge in psychology and education adds a unique dimension to our team. Victoria’s passion for inclusivity and her commitment to fostering positive change aligns perfectly with WED’s mission. We are looking forward to the incredible impact she will undoubtedly make.”


Why do you support WED? 

“WED is an inspiring organisation founded on principles such as diversity and inclusivity while championing and shaping positive change. It’s an exciting and meaningful venture to support.”

What are your hopes for WED?? 

“I am looking forward to working with inspiring, strong and empowering individuals while playing a part in inspiring change and celebrating others. It is exciting to be at the precipice of meaningful and important change.”

We hope you enjoyed getting to know Victoria Christodoulides as much as we did. Her insights and expertise will undoubtedly enrich our community and help us in our mission to empower women in the Defence and Security sectors. Stay tuned for more updates and exciting contributions from Victoria and the rest of our esteemed board.

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