Crown Hosting Data Centres

Crown Hosting Data Centres Limited (CHDC) is a unique joint venture between the Cabinet Office and Crown, dedicated to serving the public sector.
CHDC is a trusted partner to the UK MOD and other government departments, delivering increased efficiency, saving money, improving social value, transparency and lowering the environmental impact of their use of IT.

Who we are

CHDC was established by the Cabinet Office to be the catalyst for genuine public sector digital transformation.
Our key principles include value for money, flexibility, ease of use and sustainability. Offering any and all public sector organisations the opportunity to create and inspire change, transform, consolidate their infrastructure and migrate to new platforms in a more streamlined and cost-effective way.

What we do?

CHDC provides the specialist premises for the IT of its customers; buildings, rooms, facilities management, security for the servers, networks and cyber security infrastructure that operate and protect our nation.
These IT systems are in continuous use and always under attack. We ensure that they are protected, secure, always available and because IT uses electricity, has the lowest possible environmental impact, leveraging innovative energy saving techniques alongside 100% renewable energy.

CHDC provides our customers with the assurance, integrity and capabilities expected of MOD, unified with the speed of execution and flexibility of the private sector, enabling any and all public sector organisations to benefit.

Why we support WED?

We acknowledge the importance of diversity and celebrate the differences in our people. Our mission is to be a place where colleagues champion and learn from one another, as well as creating an environment of uniform excellence.
We also create and advocate equal opportunities for all within an inclusive environment. As an Investors in People, Platinum Award Winner, we place great value on what Women Empowering Defence stands for and has set out to achieve.