• Social Mobility, D&I and Empowerment

    Posted by Eleigh Brewer on 19 September 2023 at 12:45

    In my experience, Social Mobility is something that often gets overlooked when we focus on Diversity and Inclusion. I sense that other impactful characteristics, perhaps those that are more tangible and quantifiable, get more attention than those that are more difficult to quantify.

    How then might we adapt the narrative to better include those that need to transcend the many invisible barriers faced when navigating the professional world from a place of low socioeconomic status? How might we progress the conversations around the impact of financial insecurity, home instability, a lack of professional role models, shifts in morals, values and work ethic (to name a few personal barriers)?

    I’m very interested to hear your thoughts on what we could do.

    My go to solution for this, and most other D&I frustrations I have, is to be authentic and raw about my personal experience with the highest member of the Exec I can reach. However, I am yet to establish an effective way to get this topic recognised as a major influencing factor when it comes to professional growth and success (of course depending on your definition of success), let alone begin transformation on addressing it to ensure “we” are represented at senior levels.

    WED replied 11 months, 3 weeks ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • WED

    19 September 2023 at 13:00

    Hi Eleigh,

    I appreciate your insightful perspective on social mobility in the context of Diversity and Inclusion (D&I). It’s an often overlooked yet vital aspect.

    Sharing personal experiences, as you suggest, is a powerful way to raise awareness. It humanises the challenges of socioeconomic disparities.

    Your approach of being genuine with senior executives is commendable. It’s a crucial step in initiating change.

    I encourage others to join this conversation and share their thoughts and experiences on addressing social mobility in the workplace.

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